Saturday, November 6, 2010

A little late....

Well our little Angel Kimber Ashlyn Edwards arrived on September 26 at 6:47 AM and she weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. She is a little thing so we had to go out and buy some preemie outfits for her.

She has been so much fun to have for the last 6 weeks and she is getting so big. Here is a pic of her that I took when she was a month old...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well since 35 weeks it has just been that countdown of when my baby girl will be here. I thought that Tuesday the 14th was the day. I woke up at 2:00 in the morning with some bad pains, but I stood up and they went away after a minute so that was a false alarm. I have had some pains here and there but nothing to the point that I cannot stand them. That day was my regular doctor appointment and he said that I am dilated to a 2 and 70% efaced so I am making some progress.

On August 24th my cute department had a shower for me and it was a surprise and it went so good. They had games and all! They were planning on having it the day after my hubby had his surgery, but I was not there and they were totally bummed cause they had made favors that said my shower date of the 19th. It turned out so good!!

On September 1st my cute family had a shower for me and me and Kimber got so spoiled! Today I have another shower with all of Brandon's family and friends from up this way and I am SURE that we will get spoiled at this one as well, so anyday Kimber you can come!! I feel like Kimber is going to fall out of my tummy today so hopefully that is a good sign. I will keep all of you updated on when she gets here!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

35 Weeks and counting.....

Well I am now 35 weeks and getting so excited to see Kimber! She is such a mover and I am so excited to see what she looks like. I washed all her clothes today so it is getting so close. I have not been so good on taking pictures of my prego belly, but I will try and take some these next few weeks for sure. Me and Brandon had our last "Child Birthing" class last Tuesday and I loved it, not sure that he did though! I learned a lot even though I thought I was all ready, I really wasn't. I really recommend any new time parents to go to the classes cause you learn a ton!! I will keep you posted on when our little angel comes into this world.

Also, last wednesday my poor husband had to get his appendix taken out so we are kind of nursing each other right now. He has been such a trooper through all of this. He has never had a surgery and he really pulled through it really good. We would like to thank everyone that came to the hospital, sent "Get Well" gifts and came to the house to visit, it really meant a lot to us!!

Here are some pictures of the Nursery, not quite done but almost there!

They are a little out of order so sorry!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

And it is a........

On April 26th I went over to one of the centers that I work for and got an ultrasound and they said that i was having a girl. Well today i went to my OB ultrasound and they said that we are for sure having a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Exciting News!!!

Yes I am still alive and here! I am just such a slacker when it comes to these blogs, but I need to start posting to get ready for our New Addition.

No we are not getting another dog, but this time we are Pregnant! We couldn't be more excited to be a mommy and daddy. I am due September 23rd and as of right now I am 18 weeks along. It is so fun to see the progression and read about how big the baby is and what features the little bundle of joy has at this point.

At the first of April we went to St. George for Easter and my silly mom and hubby wanted to know what the baby was so we went to this place kinda like Fetal Fotos down there and did an ultrasound. They said the baby is a BOY! Well, I took the pictures to show my co-workers and some of the girls there weren't so sure that it looked like a boy so we are still not to sure on what the baby is at this point.

Where I work they do ultrasounds so Monday I am going to go and get another opinion so we will be sure on monday hopefully! I have my actual ultrasound with my OB on May 13th so after that we better be positive on what it is!! I will post those updates as soon as I know them.

Also, last Sunday April 18th was our 1st anniversary!! YAY! I was so sick and we haven't even been able to celebrate, but I was able to just relax with my man so that is all I care about!

Here are some pics of the ultrasound that we got in St. George and maybe you can put what you think it is:

I will post some belly pics once I get them off of my camera!!