Saturday, June 27, 2009

So I just wanted to post a little more of our honeymoon pics so here they are....

I learned something new the first day that I was there, I found out that a Rooster is a male chicken. Yes I did show my husband that I was a ditz our first day of our honeymoon. There were chickens everywhere you went. You would be laying on the beach and there would be a chicken walking right on there with you. It was kinda crazy!

This is in the Marriot hotel that is an awesome hotel to go around and tour

This is at the Luau we went to and it was so much fun to see.
The 2 pictures above are on our Sunset Cruise to the Na Pali coast and it was so fun to see all the dolphins swimming right by our boat and we actually saw a couple whales. That was probably my favorite adventure that we went on.

This is at the Dukes restaurant that is right by the Marriot and it was so good. Everyone told us that we had to make it there and we sure were glad that we went. We had an awesome time and I cannot wait until we can get back there. I had so much fun getting to know more about my husband and starting my adventure with him.

1 comment:

  1. Ashlie!!! I have been wondering and wondering when you were going to post again! I'm glad you are back and getting settled in...your honeymoon looked like it was amazing! so much fun. when you guys have some time we'd love to get together...bbq and games or whatever ;) just let me know when you guys would be available!
